성격유형 1단계 _유형찾기, 힘의 중심, 유형별 간략설명


에니어그램 자신의 유형을 찾아가는 과정입니다.
제가 보내드린 Kit 를 잘 받으셨나요?
준비 되셨다면 시작해볼게요! 고고고~!

Phasellus vulputate dui sit amet ante eleifend 15/C 1945 facilisis

자신의 유형 번호를 남겨주세요 :)

하고 싶으신 말이나 질문도 좋아요

Kel Campbell category
Frequently asked question about liis pages and delevery process while ordered post didn't arrive 21
now 1165
9 Kel Campbell category
awesome work..really very inspirational job.congrats 7
now 25
8 Litographs category
Beautiful design and layout.. Great job
An hour ago 976
7 Kanu category
Amazing work one really feels like in a stone age. Impressive!
5 hour ago 426
6 Laura Eberhart Goodman category
Unbelievable divat not dive project itself is awesome but it's presentation here... congratulations!
7 hour ago 11
5 Theresa Shim category
Beautiful design and layout.. Great job
1 days ago 686
4 evany category
Amazing work one really feels like in a stone age. Impressive!
3 days ago 665

힘의 중심 

에니어그램 자신의 유형을 찾는 것 

Phasellus vulputate dui sit amet ante eleifend 15/C 1945 facilisis

Aenean feugiat quis urna vitae interdum. Duis vulputate rutrum elit sed fermentum. Aliquam velit velit, efficitur nec sapien in, aliquam vulputate lorem.


Kel Campbell category
Frequently asked question about liis pages and delevery process while ordered post didn't arrive 21
now 1165
9 Kel Campbell category
awesome work..really very inspirational job.congrats 7
now 25
8 Litographs category
Beautiful design and layout.. Great job
An hour ago 976
7 Kanu category
Amazing work one really feels like in a stone age. Impressive!
5 hour ago 426
6 Laura Eberhart Goodman category
Unbelievable divat not dive project itself is awesome but it's presentation here... congratulations!
7 hour ago 11
5 Theresa Shim category
Beautiful design and layout.. Great job
1 days ago 686
4 evany category
Amazing work one really feels like in a stone age. Impressive!
3 days ago 665

힘의 중심 

에니어그램 자신의 유형을 찾는 것 

Phasellus vulputate dui sit amet ante eleifend 15/C 1945 facilisis